Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 21: June 30

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Jackson to Dillon KOA campground. Miles rode today: 52 If you have ever stayed at a KOA camp, I am sure you have a story of your own to tell. Ours goes something like this: Wedding party in the evening ends around 11:00, being woke up by mooing cow, a guy shooting a .22 down the rode, and the camper across the way arguing with his spouse over the phone. Let's just say their conversation was loud, and full of the "f" word!


  1. So happy to see your posts; nothing came through since the 26th until this morning. The longhouse I go to on the Colville Rez and the elders I worked with on the language for all those years are the Chief Joseph Band of the Nez Perce, the descendents of those who fought for their freedom at Big Hole. Glad you went there. Big hugs, you all look wonderful. How near will you be going to the fires in Colorado? Be safe.

  2. No More Scary 22 caliber Gun Fights Please!!! :) Wow what pictures!!!! I Love you guys! I am addicted to your Blog!!!! So Much love and always Big Hugs!!!

    Oh, By the Way Bron sent me the Blog of the two Israeli guys you met up with! Very Cool!!!!

    Stay Safe & Hugs
