Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 23: July 2

Just when you think you have experienced just about all the different conditions, one more is right there to show you you haven't. We have been riding into 3 Weeks now; we have had the flat tires, light sprinkles, hills and more hills, cross winds, tail winds (not as much as we would like), respectful drivers who move way over for us and then the one who thought he needed to be as close to us as possible leaving no room for a mistake otherwise we would have been hit, we have been through a thunder storm, serious heat, and until yesterday the battle of mind and body. It's so true that the body can handle more than you think it can and the mind has the ability to make it or take it from you. The body truly is a powerful machine; take care of it properly and it can do more than ever before. Today was one of those days for us, one of those days where the body proved it's abilities leaving us in ah at the end of the day. My mental games began from the moment we left Ennis this morning, I just couldn't seem to get myself in the right frame of mind for the day. Nick however was exactly where he needed to be to keep us both moving forwards. I suppose Nick will have strong days and then I will have strong days and when we have one that is weaker we take that extra moment to get the other back where he or I needs to be to ride through the day. I allowed him to ride with his strength pushing way ahead of me today, but still keeping him and whistler in eye view. I could see Nick's head turn every once in a while checking if I was still in sight. It wasn't a matter of me going slow today, it was pain setting in the back of my right calf. I was angry that I had been feeling strong through all of our days riding and today I was ready to put the miles in. it was one of those nagging pains you continue to push through only because your mind tasks you through it, but every push on the pedal was a constant reminder it was still there. Each time I got back with Nick he would ask how I was doing and I would try to sound like every thing was fine. He was riding strong and I didn't want to take that from him. I just needed to hang back by myself and talk myself through the ride. 47 miles to go and then the pain would go away. We started our ride today on the longest 13 mile stretch of nothing ness and Yellowstone 80 miles away from us. We rode through winds that neither of us have ever ridden through before. The one thing we wanted was for it to change and come from behind. But even more than a change of wind, today we both wanted something more. Our goal was to make it just before west Yellowstone and tomorrow we would finish the rest of the way. I told Nick I really wanted to make it ask the way today, enjoy comfort and secretly thinking ice for my legs. At first he said it wasn't reality for us to go that far today, especially with the winds and the climbs we would have and the fact that we didn't get an early start. We continued riding, he way ahead and I just doing what I could to keep up. Our first pull over on the side of the rode with not much around and absolutely no shade a couple hours in to fill bottles, pee,, and stretch. We continued riding with the winds now more than ever experienced before. I try to be tough and pull myself together. I ask if Nick wants me to pull from front maybe blocking the wind and giving him a moment of ease. Right away we laugh because the wind is stronger than us and truthfully I am no help for Nick. We try and enjoy the sights we see and dream of jumping into the Madison river as it looks so refreshing and inviting. Lots of people were boating and fly fishing, none if them were biking.. The heat was bothering Nick today, but you wouldn't have noticed as he rode strong. Second stop 6 miles from our ending point. We stopped at a fly shop to get more liquid and give whistler a moment outside the chariot. Back on the rode we get smacked with a climb, but an amazing view of what was created from an earth quake years ago. We finally make it to or destination, first sign we see is a warning for bears and needing a bear bag or something for proper food storage. Neither of us say anything as we continue way to the office. Just outside I knew we were going further. 23 more miles to West Yellowstone... We both knew how bad we wanted to get there today, so we went inside got chocolate milk, water, and and a treat. We were going ask the way. It didn't matter that it was already 5:30, that we were going to have a couple more hills, and I wasn't going to let my legs stop yet..Back on the rode we went so excited to make this happen. Nick talks something about our double 70 miler days back to back. We had pushed yesterday to go further ending with a three mile pass, so we knew we could do it just not sure how long it would take. The ride was beautiful with trees all to our left and the lake on our right. I felt such a peace. We both did. Mile markers were decreasing with less and less to go.we were making it happen. One last right turn 8 miles to go down a long and straight rode Tired, happy, emotional, excited and all. People passing us coming from and going to West Yellowstone and we too were part of those people going to. 1 mile to go and we could see the town and aall it's lights. We were pushing so fast to get there. We did it! Today we went 72 miles all the way and now it was time to look for food and a place to stay...did I mention this is their busy season and in two days is the fourth of July!!!


  1. Wow, Brooke, Wow! So crazy amazy!! You're determination to not let your mind stray your body from the destination is so cool! Up hills, against the wind...totally totally cool!

    I hope you get to see some verrry groovy fireworks tomorrow; singing in a loud voice "God Bless the USA"!!
    Peace and Love,

  2. Strong Minds, God created such amazing abilities-so blessed to see you 3 using them! So proud and so proud of the parents you both are. Love and hugs to both of you, May God bless you Indeed, Love Mom and Rodger

  3. Wow! I'm just in awe! Guess I've failed in my job of meeting you at Yellowstone with a big tent, a big cooler, and steak dinners. :) You definitely deserve them!

    Much love to the three of you.
