Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day seventeen: June 26

Today was family day. Family day spending time together doing things whistler would like to do outside of his chariot. Today was our day off the bike, off the saddle, out of our shoes. This morning however; we were greeted by a nice storm outside. First the dark clouds rolled in, next heavy rain and hail, 60 mph winds.. The weather report said stay inside and covered. Today we were supposed to go downtown to the dragons hallow (park), we were going to be delayed a bit it appeared. 10:35 the storm rolled in, by noon the storm had rolled out and so did we. We bundled up and headed into the cold 55 degrees of cold to play, enjoy our day! We ran around the park, tried to get whistler to ride the carousel, walked through alleys to view the trash bins, checked out a great store full of different
things (would have been a great place to shop back in college. It had rugs, furniture, dishes, even cards.) Then we headed back for a nap! Our nap took us right into evening, just in time for dinner,continued cold weather, and another trip afterwards to the park at 9:30 pm. This staying light outside throws us all off, but whistler asked to go not understanding how late it actually was..


  1. Oh how we love the pictures of you three! Love watching how your exploring this world! Hold the sights and sounds close to your heart someday they will be memories that create life to your soul! Love you and Love your journey, Mom and Rodger

  2. Missing you guys today; just thinking of you and sending you happy road thoughts. "The wheels on the bike go round and round, round and round, round and round . . ."

  3. Found it Brooke...your blog :) sounds like you're having a wonderful time, a "ride of a lifetime".......miss you....stay safe and enjoy each moment.

    1. Want you guys to know we watch progress alll the time. Sounds like a great trip . Buzz & Donna
